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You Gave Me Purpose (Justin Bieber x Usher)

On a relaxing break during the "Purpose" world tour, Justin gives in to his secret desires and finally let's himself fantasize about the man who changed his life.
Lost in his fantasy of the shared passion between to men. Visualizing himself clashing in a unity of sweat, muscle and pent-up lust with Usher... He discovers something about himself...

***Disclaimer: This is a fictional story about Justin Bieber and Usher. It is a work of PURE FICTION and the author does not claim any knowledge about the private lives of the actual people/characters nor is the story meant to imply anything about their sexuality. It is 100% imaginary RPF ***
Justin whispers a small prayer into the warm summer breeze, his eyelids fluttering closed, long eyelashes casting a shadow on his handsome face as he inhales in the peaceful aroma, the soothing perfume of the sea.
Scrunching his toes, he feels the softness of the sand, still damp from the retreating tide.
He feels a shiver cascade down his spine and his soulful brown eyes burst open. He gazes into the horizon, the warmth of the sun caressing his bare golden skin.
Through narrowed eyes he watches as each wave overlaps one another, creating magical looking white foam. The shimmering sunlight making the sand sparkle like a thousand tiny jewels.
Justin inhales deeply. Just wanting to take it all in... then let it all go... What a crazy year...
Justin was on a break from the incredibly stressful "Purpose" Tour. The screams, the fanfare, the late nights and grueling schedule had all taken it's toll on Justin. Sometimes he felt like he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. 
This "Justin Bieber" this public persona, this "star" that he showed to the world had to be perfect, polished and meet ridiculously high expectations. Every. Single. Time.
It was psychologically and emotionally draining. Sometimes he wished he could just scream into the cameras constantly pointed at his face, or disappear to a deserted island where no one and nothing could find him.
Justin is very conflicted. On one hand, of course he is deeply grateful for what he has, the ability to provide for his mum and his little brother, the opportunity to live out his dreams and do what he loves... But fuck... It's tough. It's draining.
Being under the world's microscope every day 24/7 all the time KNOWING there are people out there that are rooting for him to fuck up majorly, to break down, to self- destruct was really weighing on his mind the past few weeks. "It's what child stars do. Be a gigantic hot mess!!!" That's what the tabloids seemed to think.
At least he could relax for a week in his Hawaiian vacation home away from prying eyes before he'd have to go back on the road again. Nine acres of land all to himself. Pure bliss. And Justin had worked very hard for it.
The beach is Justin's go-to happy place. Some people like their greasy clubs, or their fancy book stores or even a nice quiet coffee shop. But give the young Canadian heart-throb the pebbles that move under his bare feet with a loud crunch as he walks across the sandy shore, the glittering waves and the salty sea air he breathes in like it's an elixir and he's in his own version of paradise.
Sitting here on the sand, small waves crashing against his feet, he was in heaven. Time to himself was a luxury he could now finally enjoy after what seemed like a never-ending trip around the globe.
The sun emitted wave upon wave of heat from the center of an emerald blue sky... For some reason the summer heat always made Justin incredibly horny, and after months of endless touring and public appearances he was desperate for some release. He was aching for a good fuck. His mind began to swirl with dirty thoughts, and the heat of the Hawaiian sun only added to his frustrations.
His eyes felt droopy as he let himself fantasize. Gulping hard as his mind wandered to naughty places, memories, escapades... He feels his dick slowly start to stiffen in his swim shorts as his sexual daydreaming made the blood flow straight to his groin.
He couldn't even remember the last time he'd had a proper wank! He palms himself through his shorts and softly groans at the contact, head tilting back, he lets out a loud sigh.
He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. He was trying his best to take his mind off hot, sweaty, earth shattering sex. Once again, with some effort, he shifts his focus to the beach. Taking in the sound of the crashing waves. The gulls flying overhead. The wind blowing. Then out of nowhere he heard the sound of footsteps approaching, sand being kicked up with every loud step. His eyes flung open and he turned to the direction of the sound.
It was his bodyguard... Biggie. A 6'5 lumbering tank of a man. A gentle giant. He was trudging his way across the beach to him.
"Mr. Bieber, an important call for you" Biggie huffed, out of breath, quickly handing over a phone to the popstar. Justin didn't even ask who it was as he reached out for the phone, it felt cold against his hands and his ear, contrasting the enveloping warmth of the beach.
"Hey, it's Justin" He groaned, standing up. Smiling weakly and waving his hand to Biggie as a gesture of thanks for bringing him the phone, his mind was still hazy from sitting looking out into the ocean for so long.
"Hey young man" came the smooth silky voice, like warm honey dripping from the speaker. Justin's eyes widened. His heart jumped and he felt the catch in his throat. He could recognize that voice anywhere. It was unforgettable to him.
He knew who it was but he still wanted that confirmation.
"Usher?!" He asked, eyes blowing wide. He felt his heart palpitating faster, noticed it's quickened beating, like a drum through his chest. What was it about Usher that always made him react like this?
"It's me B, how you doin' hahaha" Usher chuckled, his voice oozing warmth and kindness, making Justin tingle all over.
"I'm good, I'm good bro, hahaha what you up to Ush?!" Justin was grinning stupidly, looking down at his feet, curling his toes into the sand. He was so happy to hear from his old mentor and friend. He hadn't heard or seen Usher in ages but he absolutely loved it whenever they bumped into each other.
The rest of the conversation became a blur as Justin was deep in thought...
The last time they'd seen each other was over a year ago in April, when they'd performed together in Atlanta. God what an amazing night that had been. It had been electrifying for Justin to share the stage with Usher. To stand so closely to him again...
Justin would never admit it to anyone, but he really missed the early days when they worked together. Just his awkward teenage self and Usher. Back in those good old days in the beginning of his career.
He missed Usher's wise words of encouragement, his advice, his warm brotherly hugs.... He missed when they would just sit in a dimly lit studio talking about everything and nothing for hours and hours well into the night.
He loved whenever he'd manage to say something stupidly funny that made Usher break out into a big hearty laugh. That laugh. That smile... It made him feel things. Things he was too afraid to acknowledge. Things he didn't quite know how to articulate even if he tried. But his presence soothed his soul like a warm fireplace in the middle of a cold winter's night.
As a young boy he had lacked the presence and guidance of a grown man like Usher, and he was hooked to it, now that as a teenager he had finally found what he had longed for all those years.
In those days of his idealistic teenaged youth he would often create his own worlds, with just him and Usher, and everyone else just acting like props, akin to the daydreams in his childhood where he would imagine being the Prime Minister of Canada. Silly. But it was real. It felt real to him at least.
Being around Usher he would always be in the moment, without any baggage from the past. And it felt good. Whenever he wasn't around him he found himself craving to be with him again.
Above all there were all those teenage dreams he'd had in which Usher took a starring role and how those dreams progressively became more and more X-Rated with time... and how he'd wake up with a big sticky mess in his boxers... Embarrassed and confused... Sometimes he wouldn't even be able to look Usher in the eye after it had happened the night before. He felt so restless sometimes, craving so many unspoken things.
He was full of so many feelings he could not even admit to himself because they were so powerful, he was afraid they would consume him. He would anxiously check his phone all too often to see if Usher had texted him. All day long.
He didn't understand why he had these dreams. He liked girls as far as he knew... So he kept everything bottled up. Locked away tight. Never to speak of it to anyone but himself. The wet dreams eventually stopped as he got older and Usher left his life for the most part.
But he still loved Usher's company. Being around him was like spotting a rainbow, or a proper night sky full of stars or like being out and about on a lovely sunny day, the kind that puts a spring in your step. Bottom line is... he made him happy. 
As he spoke to Usher on the phone the world faded, and he suddenly became extremely aware of the raging hard on in his shorts. His heart raced as the conversation awoke long buried feelings he had hid deep inside. 
The next thing he knew he was slamming the door shut of his bedroom and plopping down on the bed. He ran his hands through his gold blond buzz cut, the scruff making his fingers tingle. He let's out a load exasperated sigh.
He was wet. Leaking so much precum there was a visible stain in his shorts. 
His heart beating hard. He curls his fingers around the soft bed sheets. A sense of euphoria clouds his head, making his eyes droopy. He softly palms himself through his shorts and he hisses at the contact. Head tilting back on his pillow. Adrenaline slowly courses through his veins. His mind was in a mild frenzy of dirty thoughts.
Thoughts of the sexy Usher... How badly he wanted him in his bed right now. In this heat he could barely formulate any other thought. He was overtaken, mind and body by the pent up lust of his puberty. 
He hurriedly takes off his shorts and chucks them by the edge of the bed. 

Justin gulps hard and he squeezes the base his big cock tightly. He takes a deep breath.
"Am I really giving in to this?" He asks himself. Looking up at the ceiling, he closes his eyes tightly and takes a deep breath.
Without another thought. Another doubt or question he goes to town... The smoking hot image of Usher swirled through his mind, the strong jaw, the long dark eyelashes fluttering, his intense stare... His imagination ran wild and he knew he wouldn't last long... He could smell him, the sexy scent of his cologne mixed with testosterone. It was all there as his imagination takes over his senses and he let's himself fantasize. Pumping his cock faster and faster. Tattooed arm rising up and down as he stroked his full length. It felt real. It was happening. He was completely caught up in it.
Next thing he knew Usher was in complete control of his body. Justin moans loudly, feeling his stomach muscles tighten, the heat in his lower abdomen quickly reaching boiling point. He feels his thigh muscles tensing up, his whole body feels hot and he knows he's going to explode soon and he can’t help the needy, desperate sobs freely escaping his lips. 
His hand was pumping his own leaking cock. Uninhibitedly moaning every time Usher enters him.
Usher's hips undulate as he thrusts into Justin watching him squirm and moan at the onslaught of pleasure as he pumps in and out of him faster. Making sure to hit his spot every time.
Justin can’t even speak properly, falling apart into a puddle of shaky cries. He feels himself tighten and contract around Usher. Both their bodies covered in a sheen of sweat from their rhythmic crashing against each other.
Justin's whole body shook with each passionate thrust.
"You can scream if you want to baby" Usher says reassuringly, plunging in deep inside Justin. A thunder storm of lust and passion in his eyes as he gazed down at him.
Justin's eyes rolled in the back of his head. He closed his lips tightly and a hard exhale pushed through them. He had to scream. It was irresistible. He was shivering with pleasure... He breathed hard and let it go...
"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh" He screamed. Loudly. Throwing his head back. Scrunching his eyes closed. Completely overwhelmed body and soul by all these incredible new sensations and emotions. He'd never felt more exposed or vulnerable in front of anyone than in this moment. But it felt right. So right.
He let his toes curl again, felt a small cramp in his calf muscle as he wrapped his athletic legs around Usher more tightly but he let it all happen because it felt so good. Soooo good.
“You’re close aren’t you? I can feel you clenching round my dick baby.” Usher asks with a devilish smirk, staring down lovingly at Justin.
Justin nods vigorously, mewling brokenly, tattooed chest heaving, body trembling in Usher’s loving care. Usher just keeps fucking into Justin, so incredibly deep.
"I'm gonna fucking cum soon" Justin whimpered, his lips quivering.
"Yeah?" Usher asked his dick sawing in and out of Justin more quickly, pumping in until he's buried to the hilt.
"Yeah" Justin softly whimpered. He is so fucking close.
"This good dick gon' make you bust?" Usher groaned, swiveling his hips into him, gazing into Justin's eyes, his intense stare piercing right through him.
"Yessss" Justin hissed, hand moving in a blur up and down his own cock now. Strong upper arms bulging as he stroked himself, squeezing his leaking cock tightly. Droplets of pre-cum oozing out as his hand flew up and down his shaft. Both men are dripping wet with sweat now, making the friction between their grinding bodies that much hotter.
"I'm gonna make you cum huh pretty boy? " Usher smirked wickedly, teasing Justin, punctuating every word with a deep thrust. The drag of Usher's cock against Justin’s sweet spot is like the sweetest, most mind-blowing torture.
"Yeah..." Justin sobbed, his soulful brown eyes welling up, feeling his whole body going taut. He just wants to cum so badly, but at the same time he wants this gorgeous man inside of him, to be connected to him in this intimate way forever.
Justin bit his lips as his ass was assaulted, wrapping his shaking legs tightly around Usher as the pleasure ramped up to it's inevitable explosive climax.
“I can tell. Can't wait to see you bust ” Usher chuckles, cupping Justin’s face and pulling him in for a kiss that's hotter than hell. They both pant and groan into the filthy wet kiss and Justin just never wants their lips to part. Usher breaks the kiss to catch his breath for quick a moment.
"Show me that nut babe..." Usher whispered, leaning in, his forehead pressing against Justin's. Never breaking the fiery eye contact with the younger man.
Justin's eyes are drowning in unshed tears of pure unadulterated pleasure at just how good Usher is making him feel. He knows what's coming, what would soon arrive.
Usher snaps his hips into him harder and faster. Their hot breath mingling and noses bumping. Moaning and panting almost in unison with each other. Justin raked his free hand through the back of Usher's head feeling the short, damp black hairs and tugged at them some before his hand snaked down to his strong shoulder and clawed at it tightly.
Usher could feel Justin shiver underneath him and he could hear his moans climb higher and higher in pitch and that only made him slam into him more roughly, wanting to make him cum harder than any girl had ever managed to. Needing to be sure he would never forget his first fuck with a man, and how he came undone at his mercy.
Usher's pace is ruthless, the sound of slapping skin echoing across the room as he grinds down harder against the moaning, writhing Justin.
"Justin... fuck... look at me... Look right into my eyes.." Usher groans, tone demanding, jackhammering into the beautiful Justin with all he has.
Justin did as he was told. Those big brown eyes were pleading, begging for release to Usher. Etching their mark on Usher's soul.
"You've been such a fuckin' good boy... My beautiful Justin... So fuckin' good for me. Cum for me, baby. Let it go, let me see you let it all go babe" Usher cooed, slamming into Justin's sweet spot again and again.
Justin tries to scream but he can't grasp on to enough oxygen so he just mewls. The pressure in his loins reaching breaking point.
“Oh my gooooo—hhhddddd... Oh myyyy... Uuuuussssher!!. I'm!! I'm gonnaaaaa cuuuummmmmmmmm...” Justin sobs desperately, feeling his gut tighten impossibly as his whole body shudders.
Usher thrusts in until every centimeter of his cock is inside of Justin, and just holds it there, not moving, cockhead pushing right against where he knew Justin's prostate was.
"Do it" He commands.
That was all it took for Justin. With a desperate moan, eyes rolling back, whole body tensing up and Usher's name on his lips... He finally came apart.
"Usssshhhhherrrr!!! Oh my... Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! " Justin cried out as he shot his load, squirting ropes of cum up both their sweat slicked torsos, his thighs trembling from the intensity of his orgasm and Usher can't really help the way that his large hands immediately wrap themselves around them, driving himself harder into the boy fucking him into the bed.
Justin could feel the hot sticky liquid pouring through his clenched fist and spraying his abs as he threw his head back and let out a chocked scream of pure ecstasy...
"Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" He cries out. His beautiful boyish face dripping wet in sweat. His tight athletic body arching up into Usher's, and his free hand gripping hold of Usher's strong biceps for dear life.
Justin's warm spunk dripped down his own pumping hand as he continued jerking off furiously, with an iron grip, as another thick wad of cum shot up from his quivering cock, leaving a glistening creamy trail from his toned chest down to his naval.
He buries his face into the pillow and screams high pitched and brokenly as waves of pleasure hit him, the fabric muffling the sounds as he bucks wildly up against Usher. The older hunk rides it out with him. Snapping his hips forward even harder into Justin, feeling his ass clench and tighten rhythmically around him.
"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me" Justin whimpered. All inhibitions completely lost at this point. Gasping incessantly from his famous lips. Whole body trembling.
Warm tears slip from Justin's eyes from the indescribable pleasure he just experienced, Usher leaned down and lovingly kissed them away. One by one. The softness of his lips giving Justin goosebumps all over.
Justin lets the shudders and spasms of the aftershocks of his intense orgasm roll through his entire body. Reverberating through him. He let's go of his dick and wraps his arms around Usher's neck. He pants loudly, pressing his face into crook of Usher's neck. Usher begins softly nibbling on his ear eliciting soft moans from him.
"Look what I made you do baby... look what I made you do... So fucking hot!" Usher whispered hotly, plump lips grazing Justin's ear. Shallowly thrusting into him.
Justin does as Usher asked, he slightly shifts his head from the crook of Usher's neck and looks down at his body... it was drenched in cum and sweat, his tattooed chest heaving.
He gasps and buries his face again into space between Usher's neck and shoulder, wrapping his legs more tightly around Usher and hooking his ankles together, his arms squeezed a fraction tighter around Usher's shoulders, hands clawing at his skin, his body melting into his. Justin's stomach, it suddenly fluttered at the feeling of Usher's body pressed against his. He sunk into the warmth of the man on top of him and moaned into the skin, eyes welling up again.
"Good boy baby... good boy" Usher cooed into Justin's ear making shivers cascade down his spine for the 100th time.
Usher pushes Justin's shaking legs up against his chest, hands holding them tight as he pumps into him erratically, just grinding deep into Justin, so close to his own climax.
Their faces mere centimeters apart. He is not breaking his fiery eye contact with Justin.
"You're so beautiful to me. I love seeing you like this" Usher groans. 
Back to reality this does it for Justin. 

His muscles coiled. The loud echo of his own cry startled him, his body was trembling, his legs spread out as he slips a finger inside himself. Probing his most intimate spot. He felt his heart jump, felt the catch in his throat. His buttocks were clenched tightly around his finger. A sheen of sweat began coating his beautiful skin.

His arms were taut, his strong upper arms bulging, as his hands squeezed his cock tightly. Stroking himself to completion. He gasped and shook violently, throwing his head back as he shot his load, he could feel the hot sticky liquid pouring through his clenched fist. He buries his face into the pillow and lets out a guttural groan, bucking wildly as he busts thick juicy ropes of cum. His lungs ached, his whole body felt like it had just exploded. He was panting hard. He let his hand drop down, his cock suddenly released from the iron grip of his hand. His legs started to ache, from being so taut as he came undone. His chest heaved, as he tried to breathe again, sucking in air. Sweat was dripping from his forehead, across his trembling chest. It took him what felt like forever before he could feel his body begin to relax again...

"Fuck I needed that" Justin says softly. He gradually sits up and grabs his boxers, which he uses to clean off the mess of cum he'd made on himself and discards them on the floor near the bed after he's scrubbed clean.

Justin sighs longingly... Oh how he wished he could have Usher right there with him. 
He has allot to think about now. Is he gay? Is he bisexual?
Does it even matter when he feels this satisfied? 
A new realisation dawns on him. He has a brand new purpose. 

The End


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